Astrophotography Links


Reddit r/askastrophotography

Cloudy Nights 

Astrophotography/Astronomy Equipment Manufacturers:

William Optics - Telescopes and Accessories

Sharpstar - Telescopes

Skywatcher - Telescopes, Mounts, and more

IOptron - Mounts and more 

ZWO - Cameras, telescopes, and so much more

Astrophotography/Astronomy Equipment Vendors:

Optcorp - The Telescope Authority  I pick up a lot of items from here.  I would recommend them.

Bahtinov Masks - Johannes Scientific While investing Bahtinov masks, I stumbled on this site.

I'll review the Bahtinov Mask I received at a later date.


Equipment Reviews:


Astrobackyard on Youtube

Using the Star Adventurer Pro 


Astrobackyard on Youtube
